Friday, January 1, 2021

Colonial Wrought Iron Lighting

When it comes to colonial antiques, references are not always readily available. Although my collection is lacking many fine examples of different styles of lighting and accessories to them. I try to give a simple overview of the types of iron lighting I have in my collection. I also illustrate how some have had parts replaced, or which ones are replicas, modern pieces, forged vs. cast iron, forgeries and how some modern pieces are true in form to the original styles and others are modern renditions. I also mention how colonial iron is preserved using wax, linseed oil, and turpentine. Towards the end of this video, I give a brief overview of some books on the subject and illustrate the most informative one.

Among the lighting featured in this video include, rush lights, peerman, cruise lamps, betty lamps, phoebe lamps, gimbaled whale oil lanterns, spike candle holders, miners lamps, a sticking tommy, and more. I illustrate some features which reflect a light's age, purpose, and area it was likely manufactured in, such as Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Scandinavia countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, or Pennsylvania Dutch. I also include examples of lighting accessories which would have been used at that time.

If you know of any additional good references to early colonial wrought iron lighting, please mention it in a comment.

I hope you found this video informative and that I have triggered your curiosity on lighting. Thanks for watching and happy collecting.